Investment map

Club of Strategic Initiatives

The Club of Strategic Initiatives is an informal community of initiative and resource persons in the region, operating with the goal of joint implementation of strategic initiatives, projects, ideas and solutions, implementation of practices and discussion specific issues on specific topics within the Agency’s agenda, as well as other tasks in the interests of its business, industry, population of the region and country, with close collaboration of participants and the unification of financial and non-financial resources.

As informal platforms, they bring together government officials, experts, ASI, businessmen, and institutions development to work on regional development projects.

the task of the clubs

Create an “intellectual core” to search for breakthrough ideas in socio-economic, innovative and investment development of Russia, implementation of best practices and joint implementation of projects. Club format allows all interested parties to develop territorial development strategies.

The task is to select, evaluate and implement projects for regional growth. Through the club OP ASI and ROIV join the organization of the forum “Strong Ideas for New Times”.


The main areas of work of the KSI, in addition to the implementation of the agendas of the Agency and ROIV, are:

  • Increasing the socio-economic potential of the region

  • Assistance in the implementation and implementation of breakthrough and interesting projects

  • Carrying out charity events

  • Hosting cultural events

  • Carrying out events with clubs in other regions in case of a joint agenda or to exchange experience

  • Business meetings with resource people in order to implement the club’s agenda

  • Gorshenina Ekaterina Yurievna
    Obshchestvennyj predstavitel ASI po napravleniyu «Ekologiya»
  • Lysikova Olga Valeryevna
    Public representative of the ASI in the direction of "Tourism"
  • Solopov Pavel Alexandrovich
    ASI Public Representative in the field of Entrepreneurship and Technology

A network of professionals from commercial, non-profit, public organizations, business and industry associations, scientific and educational institutions, research centers, development institutions and other organizations, united by a common desire to participate in risk assessment and search for opportunities for social and economic development in the interests of their business and industry , region and country.