Investment map

Measures to support GCP projects


  • Corporate income tax benefit

    13,5% Support size

  • Property tax benefit

    4,5% from the calculated tax amount

  • Transport tax benefit

    0% Support size

  • Investment tax credit

    3/4 From the key rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation


  • Providing information necessary for the investor at all stages of the project implementation in the Saratov region
  • Assigning a personal employee to the investor for the prompt resolution of issues
  • Comprehensive coverage of the project implementation process in the media and on the official resources of the Saratov region on the Internet
  • The opportunity for the investor to participate in regional, national and international conferences and exhibitions in order to present the project

Organizational assistance in the implementation of the project

  • 01 General coordination of the investor's interaction with federal government bodies, executive bodies of the Saratov region, local governments in order to obtain approvals and permits
  • 02 Operational organization of negotiations, meetings, meetings, consultations aimed at resolving issues arising in the process of project implementation
  • 03 General coordination of interaction with credit and financial institutions, development institutions, investment and venture funds in order to finance projects
  • 04 Consideration of the investment project at the Investment Committee under the Governor of the Saratov region