Investment map

Stolypin Industrial Park

In 2022, the region's first state Stolypin Industrial Park was created.

Project implementation period
Type of park
84,8 gа
Cadastral number

Стадии реализации проекта

Organizational and preparatory measures, bringing infrastructure facilities to the site


Opening of the industrial park for residents

Management company

LLC "Stolypin Industrial Park Management Company".


Saratov region, Saratov city, Sokolov district, Lesnaya str., z/u 1000, the site is located 6 km from the SCUD;

Total investment volume

At least 20 billion rubles, including at least 2 billion rubles at the expense of budgetary funds.

The purpose of the creation of the industrial park "SIP"

Creation of prepared infrastructure and services for the production activities of investors in order to increase the investment attractiveness of the region.

Number of residents

At least 25 residents by 2030, currently 7 agreements have been concluded with potential residents in the amount of more than 1.7 billion rubles and the creation of about 650 new jobs.

Support measures

For residents and management companies of industrial parks and technology parks (industrial technology parks and technology parks in the field of high technologies) that meet the requirements of the Government of the Russian Federation (Resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 04.08.2015 No. 794, dated 27.12.2019 No. 1863, dated 25.08.2023 No. 1381) and included in the relevant registers of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia, as well as for management companies and residents of technology parks that meet the requirements of the Law of the region “On technology parks in the Saratov region” dated July 26, 2023 No. 83-ZSO, the following benefits apply: - for the property tax of organizations, a tax is paid for five years in the amount of 4.5% of the tax calculated for payment at a rate of 2.2%, and in the amount of 5% of the tax calculated for payment at a rate of 2% (of the cadastral value property in relation to individual objects); - according to the simplified taxation system for residents - the tax rate is 2% (for the object of taxation “income” (the current rate is 6%)); tax rate 7.5% (for the object of taxation “income minus expenses” (current rate - 15%)) (until December 31, 2026

The park's industry specialization
Production of machinery and equipment
Radio-electronic industry
Production of transport, special equipment and components
Light industry
Production of building materials
Manufacture of household appliances and appliances.
Photo Gallery