Investment map

The territory of advanced development "Petrovsk"

The territory of advanced development "Petrovsk" was created in 2017. By the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated September 27 2017 No. 1116 "On the creation of the territory of advanced socio-economic development "Petrovsk"

Municipal area
MO "The city of Petrovsk"
Number of residents
Min. rental cost
от 100 rubles m2/years
The validity period of the object
10 years
27,3 m2

The possibility of buying out a room / plot


List of industries

All types of activities

Infrastructure and services

On the sites in the special economic zone, there are sites provided with both infrastructure and without infrastructure

Support measures
Income tax
Regional rate

5% the first 5 years

10% from 6 to 10 years

Federal rate

0% 5 years

Property tax

0% 5 years

Land tax

0% 5 years

Other benefits

For Residents of the TOP applying the simplified taxation system, tax rates are set in the following amounts:

2%if the object of taxation is income

7.5%if the object of taxation is income reduced by the amount of expenses

Availability of a free customs zone regime


How to become a resident

Submission of an application to the Ministry of Economic Development of the Saratov region


Registration of the application


Examination of the application and preparation of the conclusion


Consideration by the commission of an application for an agreement on the implementation of activities in the TOP


Conclusion of an agreement


Inclusion in the register of TOP residents

Minimum investment amount

2.5 million rubles

Contact information
The administrator of the facility
Administration of Petrovsky MR
Address of the facility administrator
Petrovsk, Panfilov str., 55
Photo Gallery