Investment map


The investment agreement provides the investor with a "one-stop shop" mode, makes it easier to justify the right to receive tax benefits, and also confirm their investor status.

An investment agreement is concluded between the Ministry of Investment Policy of the region, as an authorized body of the regional Government, and the investor. In accordance with the agreement, the Ministry provides support in the implementation of the investment project, assistance in solving organizational problems arising during its implementation, and also assists the investor in cooperation with public authorities at all levels

The document establishes:
  • Conditions for the implementation of the investment project

  • The procedure for providing information and reporting on the progress of the investment project

  • Forms of investor's interaction with regional government authorities in the implementation of investment activities

In order to conclude an investment agreement, an investor implementing an investment project in the territory of the region submits the following documents to the Ministry of Investment Policy of the region:
  • 01

    A written application for the conclusion of an investment agreement in the form established by the regional Government

    View the document
  • 02

    A brief description of the investment project in the form established by the regional Government

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  • 03

    Draft investment agreement according to the approximate form of the investment agreement established by the regional Government

    View the document
  • 04

    Business plan of the investment project

  • 05

    Documents confirming the investment costs incurred by an investor implementing an investment project in the territory of the region, as of the date of application to the executive authority of the region in the field of investment policy