Investment map


Special Investment Contract (SPIC 2.0) is an agreement between an investor and the state, which fixes:

  • Investor's obligations to implement an investment project for the introduction or development and implementation of technology in order to master the mass production of industrial products based on this technology

  • Obligations of the Russian Federation, the subject of the Russian Federation, and the municipality to ensure the stability of business conditions and apply incentive measures in the field of industry provided for by the agreement

SPIC 2.0 focuses on the development and transfer of technologies, is aimed at developing and implementing modern technology for the production of globally competitive industrial products.

The list of modern technologies for the purpose of concluding special investment contracts was approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 3143-r dated 11/28/2020.

The rules for concluding, amending, and terminating special investment contracts were approved by the resolution Government of the Russian Federation No. 1048 dated 07/16/2020.

Support measures at the federal level
  • 1

    Simplified procedures for participation in industry-specific subsidiary programs

  • 2

    Accelerated and simplified procedure for obtaining the status of products manufactured in Russia

  • 3

    Reduction of the federal income tax rate to 0%

  • 4

    The possibility of entering the public procurement market as a "sole supplier" (for projects with a budget of more than 3 billion rubles)

Support measures at the regional level
  • 1

    Special conditions for the lease of land plots

  • 2

    Reduction of the regional income tax rate to 5%

A special investment contract (SPIC 2.0) is concluded for a period of
  • up to 15 years (investments ≤ 50 billion))
  • up to 20 years (investments > 50 billion))
The procedure for concluding a SPIC 2.0
  • competitive selection
One or more participants may be recognized as the winner by the decision of the Commission based on the following criteria:
  • the deadline for the introduction of modern technology
  • the volume of industrial products produced during the validity period of the SPIC
  • localization level
SPIC 2.0 Targets
  • 1

    Achieving a certain volume of production and sales of products

  • 2

    Payment of taxes in a certain amount

  • 3

    Creation of a certain number of jobs

At the conclusion of the SPIC 2.0, the investor cannot:
  • 1

    Apply special tax regimes

  • 2

    Be a member of a consolidated group of taxpayers

  • 3

    Be a participant (legal successor of a participant) in another ongoing regional investment project

  • 4

    Be a resident of a special economic zone of any type or a territory of advanced socio-economic development

  • 5

    Be a member of the free economic zone and (or) a resident of the free port of Vladivostok