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Business community representatives are invited to the Yalta International Economic Forum

Представители саратовского бизнес-сообщества приглашаются на Ялтинский международный экономический форум title=

The Yalta International Economic Forum (YIEF) will be held on 20-22 April, 2017.

In addition to the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, the Eastern Economic Forum and the Sochi Investment Forum. YIEF is part of the four major economic forums held in Russia. 

The organizers of the Forum are the Government of the Republic of Crimea, the Yalta International Economic Forum, supported by the administration of the President of the Russian Federation.

YIEF has the status of an effective international basis for discussion on social-economic development within an actual agenda and current worldwide economy challenges. 

Each year high-level government officials from the Russian Federation, international experts, Russian businessmen, economists and representatives of the major business enterprises attend the forum.

Main goal of the YIEF forum is to find innovative approaches and tools for problem solutions and to discuss best world business practices. The Forum discussions cover answers towards contemporary challenges, concerning a wide range of topics: creation of competitive and diversified up-to-date market economy, effective interaction of business and government, development of competitive innovativemanufacture and modern technologies, deployment of human resources, small and SME support. Much attention is given to international and interregional cooperation.

The investment projects exhibition always works within the YIEF. Potential investors have the opportunity to communicate with officials, including the head of the Republic of Crimea Sergey Aksjonovym, heads of the Organizing Committee of the YIEF.

On the specialties of the region is a uniquely launched free-trade area, operating within Crimea federal district. The investment projects exhibition always works within the YIEF. Potential investors have an opportunity to communicate with officials, as well as with the head of the Republic of Crimea Sergey Aksjonovym leading the Organizing Committee of the YIEF.

Traditionally, the third day of the Forum dedicates to the communication between regional authorities and representatives of business community.

More detailed information about conditions of participation in the Forum and programme of activities it is possible to know by phone: +7 (800) 700-07-09 e-mail: or website:

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