Investment map

Modern greenhouse complex for growing vegetable and berry crops

Современный тепличный комплекс для выращивания овощных и ягодных культур
  • Place of implementation: G. Marx.
  • Investment volume:from 1 billion rubles
  • Form of ownership: municipal property.
  • Transaction form: rent
  • Platform: 325.7 ha, Saratov region, Marx.
  • Infrastructure: the possibility of connecting to gas and electricity supply facilities (up to power lines – 0.03 km.) drilling of artesian wells.


  • The agro-industrial complex plays a leading role in the economy of the Marksovsky municipal district
  • The shift of consumer preferences towards a healthy diet
  • Increasing the role of vegetables and berries in the consumer basket of the population
  • Low competition among producers of greenhouse berry products in Russia
  • High share of imported berry products in the domestic market
  • Development of trade infrastructure that sells fruit and vegetable products all year round

Competitive advantages:

  • Marksovsky district occupies one of the first places in the region in terms of the availability and use of irrigated land
  • High share of vegetable products in the region (4th place in the Russian Federation in the export of vegetable products)
  • Availability of highly qualified personnel (SSAU named after N.I. Vavilov is one of the top 5 best agricultural universities in the country, specializes, in addition to training specialists, in the development and implementation of new technologies in agriculture)
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