Investment map

Construction of a plant for the production of mineral fertilizers from natural gas

Строительство завода по производству минеральных удобрений из природного газа
  • Place of implementation: Krasnopartizansky district, Gorny settlement.
  • Initiator: LLC SEC Gorny.
  • Transaction form: search for a co-investor.
  • Form of ownership: municipal property.
  • Platform:164 ha.
  • Infrastructure: gas: 1 billion cubic meters/year, water: water intake 1800 cubic meters/hour, electricity: Stepnaya substation two transformers of 16 MW each.
  • The volume of investments: from 1.5 billion rubles.


  • A land lease agreement has been concluded for a period of 10 years
  • A technical and commercial proposal has been received from the main EPC contractors, licensors and design institutes
  • The project implementation concept has been developed and approved
  • Technical specifications for the supply of 1 billion cubic meters of natural gas per year have been received from Gazprom PJSC
  • The availability of highly qualified personnel of the N.I. Vavilov SSAU is among the top 5 best agricultural universities in the country, specializes, in addition to training specialists, in the development and implementation of new technologies in the agro-industrial complex
  • Convenient location and well-developed logistics

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