Sites of the Stolypin Industrial Park

- Place of implementation: Saratov, R.P. Sokolov.
- Transaction form: sale of the lease right followed by the right of redemption.
- Form of ownership: municipal property.
- Square: 84.8 ha.
Specialization of the industrial park:
- Production of machinery and equipment
- Radio-electronic industry
- Production of transport, special equipment and components
- Agro-industrial complex
- Light industry
- Manufacture of cosmetics and household chemicals
- Production of medical products
- Metalworking
- Production of building materials
- Manufacture of household appliances and appliances
gas supply – 15.6 mln m3/year
electricity – 25 MW
water supply - 3000 m3/hour
wastewater treatment plant – 2400 m3/day
drainage d/s – 13000 m3/day
Support measures for park residents:
- Property tax 0.1% for 5 years (current rate 2.2%)
- Simplified taxation system:
"Income" – 2% (the current rate is 6%)
"Income minus expenses" - 7.5% (the current rate is 15%)
- Convenient location and well-developed logistics
- Provision of a land plot for rent without bidding
- Support of Saratov Region Development Corporation JSC