Organization of gas equipment production

- Place of implementation: Saratov.
- Transaction form: search for a co-investor.
- Form of ownership: private property.
- Infrastructure: the site is equipped with engineering infrastructure.
- The volume of investments: from 500 million rubles
To implement the project, the creation of a joint Russian-Chinese enterprise for the organization of supplies to other regions is being considered
- The history of the Gazapparat plant begins with the construction of the first Saratov-Moscow gas pipeline in the USSR and is inextricably linked with the development of the gas industry. Annually, the company's specialists carry out the design, manufacture and commissioning of more than 2,000 products that are successfully used at the construction sites of mainline, inter-settlement and other types of gas pipelines, gas distribution stations and other industrial and municipal facilities in the regions of Russia and the CIS countries.
Competitive advantages:
- The experience of creating a complete technological cycle for the production of gas equipment
- Supply chains and sales of products have been established