Investment map

Industrial tourism

Theater outside the walls in the format of the "Theater at the Factory" project

The project "Theater map of the city (Theater outside the walls)" is a youth theater project, the feature of which is to conduct theatrical performances outside the stage space. The winner of the competition of the Presidential Foundation for Cultural Initiatives.

All performances touch on important social issues, are implemented in creative unexpected places, and safety precautions are observed at all performances. At the same time, the project is not limited in the number of creative platforms: depending on the urgency and importance of a particular social topic, new creative platforms will appear on the map in the future, where the viewer will be able to dive deeper into the question and try to find an answer to it.

The aim of the project is to create creative creative spaces combined into a "Theatrical map of the city"

Within the framework of industrial tourism, it is planned to present the production sites of industrial enterprises as the main stage of theatrical productions.

The repertoire of the "Theater outside the walls

The repertoire of the "Theater outside the walls

«Три сестры» (по мотивам пьесы А.П. Чехова)

"Three Sisters" (based on the play by A.P. Chekhov)

«Старик и море» (по мотивам повести Э. Хемингуэя)

"The Old Man and the Sea" (based on the story by E. Hemingway)

«Бабель. Триптих» (по мотивам рассказов И.Э. Бабеля)

"Babel. Triptych" (based on the stories of I.E. Babel)

«Гамлет» (по мотивам пьесы У. Шекспира)

"Hamlet" (based on the play by W. Shakespeare)

«Лес» (по мотивам пьесы А.Н. Островского)

"The Forest" (based on the play by A.N. Ostrovsky)

An excursion at the enterprise

Частная сыроварня FROMAGELLE

Private cheese factory FROMAGELLE

Producer of artisan cheese since 2015. The product range consists of more than 30 types of cheese.

Contact details for the description: 8-927-223-1113

ПАО «СЭЗ им. Серго Орджоникидзе»

PJSC "SEZ named after Sergo Ordzhonikidze"

Engaged in the development, production, maintenance and repair of products for aviation, shipbuilding, and ground equipment.

Contacts for booking a tour: +7 (845-2) 74-89-24

Excursions are conducted for career guidance purposes only.
АО «Салаватстекло Волга»

JSC Salavatsteklo Volga

The largest manufacturer of sheet, energy-saving and multifunctional glass in Russia.

Contacts for booking a tour: +7(8452)305-520
Филиал ПАО «РусГидро» - «Саратовская ГЭС»

Branch of PJSC RusHydro - Saratovskaya HPP

It is the seventh stage of the Volga-Kama cascade of hydroelectric power plants and is one of the top 10 largest hydroelectric power plants in Russia.

Contacts for booking a tour: +7 (8453) 49-53-15, +7 (903) 04-55-789  
ООО «ДСК «ГРАС-Саратов»

DSK "GRAS Saratov"

One of the largest Russian manufacturers of autoclaved aerated concrete.

Contacts for booking a tour: +7-926-625-61-77 
ООО «АСпром»

LLC "ASprom"

Systems integrator in the field of industrial automation.

Contacts for booking a tour: 8 (800) 250-17-41, 8-937-023-55-47
ООО «Аврора Пакинг Технолоджи»

Aurora Packing Technology LLC

One of the leaders in packaging machinery manufacturing in Russia.

Contacts for booking a tour: +79603547776
ООО «Энгельс свечи зажигания»

Engels Spark Plugs LLC

Contacts for booking a tour: +7 917 300 30 59
ООО «Керамический блюз»

LLC "Ceramic Blues"

Production of ceramic products Contacts for booking a tour: +79198356262
ООО «Керамика Золотое»

Ceramics Zolotoye LLC

Production of ceramic products

Contacts for booking a tour: +79603553187
Филиал АО «Концерн Росэнергоатом» «Балаковская атомная станция»

Branch of Rosenergoatom Concern JSC “Balakovo Nuclear Power Plant”

Russia's largest electricity producer.

Contacts for booking a tour:
8(8453)49-98-33, 8(8453)49-83-35
Балаковский филиал АО «Апатит»

Balakovo branch of JSC Apatit

Production of phosphorus-containing fertilizers, feed phosphates (one of the leaders in production volumes in Russia, the only producer of feed monocalcium phosphate in the country), as well as ammonium sulfate.

Contacts for booking a tour: +79372216913
ООО «Мебельная фабрика «Мария»

Furniture factory "Maria" LLC

Manufacturer of furniture for kitchens, bathrooms and business premises. One of the leaders in the furniture production industry in Russia.

Contacts for booking a tour: +79878011982
ООО «Газпромтрансгаз Саратов»

LLC Gazpromtransgaz Saratov

Transportation of natural gas via gas pipelines from the fields of Central Asia and Western Siberia to the central regions of Russia, to the North Caucasus, to European countries; gas supply to consumers; operation of gas distribution systems.

Contacts for booking a tour:
8(8452) 30-69-12, +79172178100
АО «Завод металлоконструкций»

JSC Metal Structures Plant

Production of bridge and building metal structures, freight cars.

Contacts for booking a tour:
8 (8453) 79-16-20, 89271288509

Tourist routes

Тематическая обзорная экскурсия по городу Балаково
Thematic sightseeing tour of the city of Balakovo
Visit to the Balakovo NPP Information Center and Museum
Visit to the Balakovo branch of Apatit JSC

По вопросам организации экскурсий обращаться по телефону: 8(8452)650-008, 710-010 Туроператор «Золотая вязь»